Nulite Communications


We have a range of prices to satisfy every accounts specific needs.

Web Page Authoring and Development

Category Price International
Price Indian
Additional Infromation
Basic Web Page upto 5KB HTML size U.S.$ 20.00 Rs. 400.00 Background GIF
Mailbox GIF
included in package
Large Page format 5 to 10KB HTML size U.S. $ 35.00 Rs. 750.00 As above
Per additional KB above 10KB U.S. $ 2.50 Rs. 50.00 As Above
For every update to a page,
per hour
U.S. $3.00 Rs. 70.00 As above

In all these categories , there is NO limit on number of links and images you can have. Web hosting charges for images and html code is seperate.
The above prices are indicative and may vary according to the account.

Web Page Hosting

Files of total size International Prices
Indian Prices
Additional Infromation
Below 200KB U.S.$ 20.00 / year Rs. 400.00 Includes 20 free uploads of max. 200 KB
Between 200KB to 500 KB U.S. $ 35.00 /year Rs. 750.00 Includes 25 free uploads of max. 500 KB each
Per Additional 10 KB over 500KB U.S. $ 0.50 / year Rs. 10 Includes 25 free uploads
Uploading data U.S. $0.25 / 200 KB Rs. 8

The above prices are indicative and may vary according to the account.
We do not provide domain registeration.
We will try to register your page in as many search engines as possible , but we do not guarentee Registeration to any Search Engines.

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